2015 Lincoln Day Dinner

The 2015 Lincoln Day dinner was held Friday February 13, 2015 at the Cambridge Senior Citizens Center. There were over 120 people in attendance, for our guest speaker United States Senator from Ohio, Rob Portman. It was a wonderful night for all in attendance. Senator Portman gave the attendees an update on legislation currently under consideration in the U. S. Senate. There were many elected officials from local, county, state, offices in attendance.

2014 Lincoln Day Dinner

Row one: Senator Troy Balderson, City Auditor Suellen Johnson, Judge Dixie Park, Clerk of Courts Teresa Dankovic, County Engineer Del George, Juvenile/Probate Judge Dave Bennett, County Treasurer Jim Caldwell, and City Councilwoman Donna Gander.

Row two: Judge Mary DeGenaro, Judge Craig Baldwin, Judge Daniel Wise, County Recorder Colleen Wheatley, Keynote Speaker Senator Rob Portman, Mayor Tom Orr, County Commissioner Dave Wilson, and Councilman Tim Evancho.

Row three:  Atty. Joel Blue, Judge Pat DeWine, Atty. Brian Conaway, Judge Patrick Fischer, County Auditor Tony Brown, Council President Bill Cowgill, County Commissioner Skip Gardner and State Representative Brian Hill.

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