April 2018 Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2018
Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes
President Robert Morris called the meeting to order. Vice President Sheila Cochran delivered the invocation and President Morris led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. President Morris welcomed the guests that were in attendance.
Treasurer Michael Segrest brought the club up to date on the general finances. With the membership account balance at $1,675.59 and the scholarship account balance at $2,757.33 totaling an overall total of $4,432.92, the treasurer presented them for approval. The motion was passed unanimously.
Secretary Sandra Miller made the minutes available prior to the meeting on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval with the one correction. The motion was moved by Darrel Fawcett, seconded by Ed Freeze. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Orr informed the club members that the city has many spring projects ready to start as soon as the weather breaks including the viaduct project.
Chairman Orr thanked club members for attending the Lincoln Day Dinner. He also stated that he is hoping that everyone gets out and votes in the May Primary Election. Reminding everyone that the Cambridge City School Emergency Levy is on the ballot and ask the club members to vote for the levy.
Paul Sherry informed the club members that there is 400 miles of road in Guernsey County. He also stated that Eighth Street Road and Route Twenty-One are among the list of roads that will be worked on this spring, along with the bridge in Wills Township.
Commissioner Gardner updated the club members on the power plant in Valley Township with great news that it will be breaking ground in September with around 1,000 construction workers to be hired. Commissioner Gardner talked about the Land Bank letting the club members know that it has a 5 member board and that they have acquired 6 properties in the city and 1 in Quaker City. Commissioners Gardner stated that it has been a joint effort of the County Treasurer, Auditor, Commissioners, Prosecuting Attorney, and Cambridge City Mayor.
Auditor Tony Brown informed the club members that his office has had an upgrade to the real estate and auditor computer system. Auditor Brown also talked about all of the offices working together to clean up the properties acquired by the Land Bank.
Prosecutor Joel Blue let the club members know that his office is operating at an amazing level, which he has a great staff and he does not need to micro manage his office. Prosecutor Blue stated that his office has generated 2.5 million dollars for the county.
President Morris told the club members that there was no Technical Educational Grant given this year. That there was not one student apply for the Grant for 2018. President Morris asked the club members if they had any suggestions for next year. Several ideas were given; talk to each school guidance counselor, reach out to the American History teachers, put fliers on each school bulletin boards, change the deadline date, and ask the Democrats what they do.
President Morris talked to the club members about the Americans for Prosperity.
Vice President Sheila Cochran was then asked to introduce Melissa Ackison, candidate for U.S. Senator. Melissa’s goal is to win the election and out seat Sherrod Brown. Her mission is to protect the 2nd amendment, she is pro life, she wants to decrease dependence on government programs- entitlement reform, and repeal and replace Health Care. Many questions were asked from the club members.
President Morris gave the benediction
The meeting closed and adjourned.