August 19th Club Meeting

The Guernsey County Republican Club opened with prayer and the pledge to the American flag led by President Robert Morris. Gayle Heinton, treasurer, gave her report. Funds for the 2015 scholarship have begun to be collected.

Skip Gardner, Guernsey County Republican Chairman, stated letters of invitation went out for the Republican picnic on September 3. Judge Craig Baldwin will be the speaker, and he will talk on the second amendment. Social hour is at 5:30 and dinner will begin at 6:30pm. To place your reservations call Suellen Johnson at 432-5039. $25.00 is the price for attending the picnic at the big pavilion at the city park. Some help is needed by the board of elections on Election Day. Darrel Fawcett will pick up signs in Columbus for the statewide candidates. Folks are needed to sign up to work at the Republican booth at the Guernsey County Fair. The voter list given to Skip will be used to look for central committee members for precincts without a member.

The candidates present including Judge Craig Baldwin spoke about their activities. Dave Wilson, candidate for Guernsey County Commissioner, has begun campaigning door-to-door as well as continuing to attend township meetings. Candidate for Guernsey County Probate/Juvenile Judge, David Bennett, appreciates the help he is receiving in his campaign. He has many signs to be used. Keep in mind early voting begins October 5.

The president reported the new Republican headquarters are at 511 Wheeling Ave. and the website is updated. A raffle for the 2015 scholarship fund is beginning. The prizes are an American flag and a picture with the five living presidents standing together. Each man has signed beneath his picture. You can acquire tickets from our treasurer until the end of the Republican picnic on Wednesday, September 3.

Those in attendance were thrilled to hear about the event Congressman Bill Johnson, our guest speaker, witnessed on Monday. His district covers 18 Ohio counties and he said jobs & the economy and healthcare are the biggest concerns of his constituents. He gave some specific legislation that needs to be voted on in the U.S. Senate. The U.S. House has passed more than 370 Bills that would give our country momentum to move ahead if Harry Reid and the Democratic Senate would vote on them instead of burying them. Bill told about several bills he has sponsored. He will work to repeal the healthcare law. Now 80% of the healthcare cost will hit people’s budgets in 2015.

On Monday, Congressman Johnson, watched a heart operation on a 10 day old baby at the Children’s Hospital in Columbus. The famous doctor explained to the congressman the intricate procedures he was performing. Bill was amazed as he watched. The doctor informed him this morning that following the successful surgery the baby will go home on Friday. We were in awe as he related this story to us.

As he concluded speaking, Johnson answered questions from the audience.

The next Republican Club meeting will be October 21 at Mr. Lee’s Family Restaurant at 7:00pm. The September meeting will be cancelled because of the picnic and participating in the fair.

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