December 16, 2014 Club Meeting

The Guernsey County Republican Club met on December 16th at Mr. Lee’s Buckeye room at 7:00pm. Officers elected for 2015 were Robert Morris, President; Sheila Cochran, 1st V.P.; Otis Marshall, 2nd V.P.; Susan Smith, Secretary; and Gayle Heinton, Treasurer.

Newly appointed Commissioner Dave Wilson and Auditor Tony Brown described the administration of the Oath of Office by Judge David Ellwood Monday afternoon and thanked their supporters for the efforts resulting in their successful election.

The Annual Lincoln Day Dinner is scheduled for Friday, February 13, 2015 at the Cambridge Senior Center with U. S. Senator Rob Portman to offer the keynote address.

December 2014 Skip & John December 2014 Bob & GayleIn appreciation of service to the Guernsey County Republican Party and its mission, special recognition was given to John Polascak, Bob and Gayle Heinton. Skip Gardner presented a plaque to John Polascak and Suellen Johnson presented a plaque to Bob and Gayle for their “time, energy, and countless hours of volunteering on behalf of the local Party”.

Alex Scharfetter from U. S. Representative Bill Johnson’s office was onhand to answer questions on current legislation and issues of interest to those in attendance. The meeting concluded with a social hour and refreshments.


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