Guernsey County Republican Club offers $1,000 scholarship

The Republican Club of Guernsey County is offering a $1000 college scholarship contest.  All Guernsey County high school seniors who meet the following criteria and wish to compete may apply. The criteria includes:


            Guernsey County high school senior (home schooled, vocational school in any   school district) as long  as they reside in Guernsey County.

            Average GPA of 2.5 or better– verified

            Application/acceptance to any accredited college or technical school.

            Completion/submission of application to be judged to include:

  1. Name, contact information
  2. One teacher recommendation
  3. List of high school activities/organizations
  4. List of community or church activities/organizations
  5. Write an essay (no more than 1000 words):

“ Discuss the pros and the cons of Government nationalizing an industry (health insurance, auto, student loans, education, etc.) Justify your position on this issue.”

  1. Send all submissions to: Scholarship Application, PO Box 862, Cambridge, OH 43725 by the deadline April 30, 2014


The Scholarship Committee will announce the winner by May 10 and the winner agrees to be featured with an article and picture in The Daily Jeffersonian.

For information, visit the website at

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