July Guernsey County Republican Club Meeting

On July 15 an interested crowd was in attendance as the Guernsey County Republican Club meeting opened with the pledge to the American flag and prayer.  The June’s meeting summary was read by Susan Smith and the treasurer’s report was presented.

Suellen Johnson gave the Republican Chairman’s report.  Our new headquarters will be opening at 511 Wheeling Ave. in Cambridge.   On July 17, Georgetown Vineyards will host a Gathering for David Bennett, candidate for Probate/Juvenile Court Judge.  Plans are being made for the Republican Picnic.  A possible date is September 3.

President Robert Morris in his report said changes to the website will be made.  A link to candidate’s websites would be available from the candidate profiles.  The letter to promote club membership is ready to invite friends.

Alex Scharfetter with Congressman Bill Johnson’s campaign invited all to the event on August 2nd to be held at the Cambridge Armory. Candidate for Guernsey County Commissioner, Dave Wilson, has been learning about township issues as he attends these meetings.  Larry Gibson drove Dave in his 1948 truck as he traveled the Quaker City parade route garnering second place.  Craig Baldwin, current Judge for the 5th District Court of Appeals, loves the impact he has as he does his job.  Andy Thompson, 95th District Ohio Congressman, summarized legislation on Common Core. Educators are becoming more aware of the faults of using common core standards.  Troy Balderson, our Ohio Senator, discussed SB 310 which puts a freeze on renewable-energy mandates for two years with release from the agreement if there is a change in the renewable energy resources requirements.  Cambridge Councilman, Tom Snyder, reported noise ordinance has passed.  A meeting of all city departments and others was held and drugs are the biggest issue in the city to be tackled.  Colleen Wheatley, County Recorder, said her office continues to be busy.  Colleen has tried to discourage the paper from publishing the amounts for real estate transfers and sales.  Jake Hesseing with the Americans for Prosperity office in Marietta spoke briefly to the group about what they are doing to inform citizens of economic policies and limiting government overreach.

Our Ohio Congressman, Brian Hill, who is running for his 2nd full term was introduced by Vice-President Sheila Cochran.  Brian is on four committees in the Ohio House.  The legislators in this part of the state pushed for the severance tax money to come to our area.  Brian sponsored HB15 which would allow parents to know what their children are doing online so they can protect them.  The forum that Brian and Troy Balderson had for the Republican central committee members was very positive.   Brian will be forming his response to Common Core legislation after changes are known.

The club meets every third Tuesday of the month at Mr. Lee’s American Restaurant at 7:00pm.  All are welcome to come.

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