July Meeting Minutes
Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes
7:01 PM – President Robert Morris called the meeting to order. Susan Smith delivered the invocation and President Morris led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. President Morris welcomed the guests that were visiting the club, including; Debbie Pettit of the Ohio Republican Party, Cody Petit of the Muskingum County Young Republicans, and Mike Pepple from Congressman Bill Johnson’s Office.
Treasurer Nelson Roe was excused from the meeting.
Secretary Michael Segrest, having made the minutes available prior to the meeting, presented them for approval. The motion passed unanimously at 7:06 PM.
President Morris spoke briefly about the upcoming Reagan Day Picnic. He spoke about tentative dates and speakers, but said that we would have finalized plans by the next meeting.
No elected officials were present.
No Central Committee members were present.
Mr. Pepple then took a few questions from the group, on behalf of Congressman Johnson and addressed varied concerns, including; concealed carry reciprocity, the health care bill that stalled in the Senate, and rolling back regulations on business.
Mrs. Pettit spoke for a few minutes on the new team leading the state Republican Party and the positive direction that they are taking.
The featured speaker was Charles W. Drubel, the Operations and Finance Director of the National Whitetail Deer Education Foundation and the Deerassic Park Education Center. Mr. Drubel spoke about the mission of the park to deliver outdoor educational opportunities to children all over the region and how they’ve grown and succeeded in that mission, since his arrival. Mr. Drubel also spoke about the upcoming Deerassic Classic Giveaway and Outdoor Expo, a very successful outdoor themed event that serves as a fundraiser for all of the parks activities throughout the year.
The meeting closed and adjourned at 7:50 PM.