June 16, 2015 Club meeting


President Robert Morris opened the meeting by asking Sheila Cochran to give the invocation. The Pledge to the American Flag was recited.
The secretary read the minutes for the May 21 meeting. Annie Blaasenhsuer moved to accept the minutes, and Gil Barczak seconded. All approved the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gayle Heinton and she commented that giving the scholarships last month took a chunk of our money.
Darryel Fawcett from the Republican Central Committee said a speaker the First Annual Reagan Day Picnic has not been finalized.
Several new and past attending couples introduced themselves.
Guernsey County Commissioner, Skip Gardner, had reviewed the May minutes on our Web site. He said the sewer projects in Beech Meadows and Coventry Estates are progressing. The commissioners met with both senior citizen center directors realizing a renewal levy will be coming. Cameras were purchased for sheriff officers along with helmets, shields, vests, and a trailer for dealing with Meth Labs. Commissioner Dave Wilson added that a deal was agreed to with Motorola for the upgrade to radios for first responders that will save money.
As a part of Robert Morris president’s report, he reminded the group that we have honorary memberships for students under 18. He congratulated Robert and Gayle Heinton for their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Dr. Dayle Snyder brought a box of white wooden crosses to share with those who want to put one in their yard. He read about why the crosses began to be displayed.
Sheila explained the survey handed to folks as they arrived at our meeting. Each of the Republicans running for President were listed. The names were to be rated from 1 to 5 according to the choice of each individual who wish to be a part of the project. At the June officers meeting we agreed that the Republican Club would take part in the Ohio Conservative United’s project each month at our meetings until the primary election takes place March 15, 2016. The results for our Club will be posted on our Web site as well as on OhioConservativeUnited.org site.
Craig Baldwin & Dave Wilson

Dave Wilson & Judge Craig Baldwin

Judge Craig Baldwin was our guest speaker. His topic for the evening was “Second Amendment and Gun Rights.” He said the Magna Carta was the beginning of common law. Yesterday ( June 15 ) was the 800 anniversary of the document.} The Judge gave a progression of court cases throughout U. S. history continuing until a 2008 decision giving individual gun rights.

The next meeting of the Republican club will be Tuesday, July 21,, at Mr. Lee’s. The speaker will be Matt Lynch.
Submitted by Susan Smith, Secretary

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