June Meeting was our Scholarship Meeting

The Guernsey County Republican Club met on June 21 at Mr. Lee’s Restaurant.  The opening prayer was offered by Gayle Heinton and the pledge was led by President, Robert Morris.  The May 17 minutes were read and a motion to accept as read was stated by Gil Barezak and seconded by Suellen Johnson.  Motion passed.  Gayle Heinton gave the treasurer’s report and it was filed for audit.

        Chairman of the GC Central Committee, Tom Orr, confirmed the plans for the Reagan Day Picnic.  The date for the picnic is Sept. 1st at the big pavilion of Cambridge City Park.  The guest speaker will be Atty. General, Mike DeWine.
2016 Scholarship Eldridge

Lisa Groh and Perry Eldridge

Lisa Groh, a member of the scholarship committee, conducted the presentations of the awards to our two scholarship recipients.  The second place winner, Perry Eldredge of Cambridge High School, read his essay on the “infringements on our freedoms imposed by government”.  He was presented with a check for $500 and a plaque from the G. C. Republican Club. Representative, Brian Hill, read the certificate given to Perry by Senator, Troy Balderson.  Will Lloyd, from Congressman Bill Johnson’s office also presented him with a proclamation of congratulations.

2016 Scholarship Berry

Lisa Groh and Madeline Berry

The first place winner of $1000 was awarded to Madeline Barry of John Glenn High School.

After reading her essay, she also received her check and plaque from the club, a certificate from Senator Troy Balderson, and a proclamation of congratulations from Congressman Bill Johnson.
        The meeting was closed with a prayer by President, Robert Morris, and a social hour with refreshments provided by Mr. Lee’s Restaurant.  The next meeting of the Guernsey County Republican Club will be Tuesday, July 19th.
2016 Scholarship

Pictured above are: Rep. Brian Hill, Perry Eldridge ($500 winner), Lisa Groh (scholarship com.), Madeline Barry ($1,000 winner) Will Lloyd Cong. Bill Johnson’s rep.), and Robert Morris (Rep. Club Pres.)

2016 Scholarship Ottis

Pictured above: Perry Eldridge, Otis Marshal (Chairman Youth Group) Madeline Berry

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