May Club Meeting
The meeting opened with President Robert Morris asking Donald Hulse to offer the prayer. After we all said the pledge to the American Flag, the secretary read the minutes for the April meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was given by Skip Gardner and Joel Blue added the second. All were in favor of accepting the minutes.
Gayle Heinton gave the treasurer’s report excellently. Next month, the $1,000 and $500 scholarship will be awarded so our funds on hand will drop.
The winners of the scholarships were announced. Perry Eldredge won second place. He was presented the award at Cambridge High School Awards Ceremony. Madeline Barry is the winner of the first place scholarship, and she attends John Glenn High School. At our June meeting they will be present to receive their checks. Ohio Senator Troy Balderson will have certificates to present. Congressman Bill Johnson’s representative will present a special certificate to the winners.
Our elected officials were asked to give reports. Commissioner Skip Gardner said the Common Pleas Grant that was received covers the technical items needed to provide the Guernsey County Courthouse with security. A company is wanting to bring a liquid substance into Guernsey County and deposit it beneath the ground not far from Zane State. The commissioners are very much against this happening. Auditor Tony Brown said dog tag sales are down in our county and around the state. Royalties have dropped, also.
Suellen Johnson, Cambridge City Auditor, stated that the city books are being audited now. Next Suellen reported as the representative of the Guernsey County Republican Committee. The Reagan Day Picnic will be held on Thursday, September 1, at the big City Park Pavilion. The guest speaker will be Attorney General Mike DeWine.
Joel Blue’s campaign manager will be Otis Marshall, IV. He has been working with Debbie Pettit on Joel’s campaign for prosecuting attorney. Joel’s fundraising letters are at the printer and will be sent soon.
Sandra Miller, Guernsey County Board of Elections Director, told us the Board met earlier this evening. They are preparing an election administration plan. Several Marijuana petitions are being circulated now across the Ohio.
Gayle brought several articles from The Sunday Jeffersonian to our attention. HB 37 passed the Ohio Senate and would allow craft brewers to offer more potent alcohol content in their beer. Last Tuesday the Ohio House passed HB 523 that would allow Ohioans with specified conditions to use medical marijuana under a doctor’s direction. Ohio Pastor Protection Act would provide legal protections to pastors who decline to officiate same-sex marriage ceremonies. Supporters of this law spoke at a press conference held at the Statehouse.
Robert Heinton played a DVD titled, Stand Up Reagan on his TV. The group had some good laughs at former President Reagan’s humor. Thanks, Robert for providing a distraction during these crazy days of campaigning.
Robert Morris said the benediction to conclude the meeting. The next meeting of the Republican Club will be June 21, 2016 at Mr. Lee’s Family Restaurant.
Submitted by Susan Smith, Secretary