November 18th Club Meeting
On the very cold November night, Guernsey County Republican Club President, Robert Morris, welcomed those in attendance. Nancy Umberger gave the invocation and then the Pledge to the American Flag was recited.
Otis William Marshall V read the minutes for the August 19 meeting, and Gayle Heinton presented the treasurer’s report for two months. The Scholarship Fund is increasing which is good since we will give two scholarships in 2015.
Guernsey County Republican Chairman, Skip Gardner, commented on the quality campaigns for Probate/Juvenile Court Judge and County commissioner recently held. Congratulations to David Bennett and Dave Wilson! He thanked all who worked on the campaigns, and those who volunteered in the fair booth and at the Headquarters. Now the rented building must be emptied and items stored.
Two Cambridge City Council positions will need to be filled by the Republican Central Committee members who live in the city.
A change in our by-laws to add a club officer – a second vice-president – was approved. Election of club officers will be held at the December Meeting.
Rodney Postlewait, owner of GI Central – Wholesale Firearms on Wheeling Ave., was the guest speaker. His family joined him at the meeting. What should you have prepared to survive in the event of a short term emergency was the focus of his talk. Water is the #1 item to have on hand for your family. Have available food that you can eat if the electric is out. Remember to have a manual can opener. Always cook in a well-vented area. How you will stay warm in an emergency is something to plan for. Place blankets underneath you to stay warm. Randy has things to help you prepare in his store.
The next club meeting will be Tuesday, December 16, 2014 , at Mr. Lee’s American Restaurant at 7:00 pm.
Rodney Postelwait with Club Vice President Shelia Cochran