October 2018 Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2018
Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes
President Robert Morris called the meeting to order.
Vice President Sheila Cochran delivered the invocation.
President Morris led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Robert Morris gave the Treasurer report for September due to no quorum to approve them at the September Meeting. With the Membership Account Balance at $1,675.59 and the Scholarship Account balance is at $2,257.33, the balance is $3,232.92, with the president presented them for approval.
President Robert Morris gave the Treasurer report for October with the Membership Account Balance at $1,675.59 and the Scholarship Account balance is at $2,257.33, the balance is $3,232.92, with the president presented them for approval.
Secretary Sandra Miller made the July 17, 2018 meeting minutes available prior to the meeting by e-mail, on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval. The motion was moved by Darrel Fawcett, seconded by Dave Wilson. The motion passed unanimously.
Secretary Sandra Miller made the September 18, 2018 meeting minutes available prior to the meeting by e-mail, on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval. The motion was moved by Dave Wilson, seconded by Darrel Fawcett. The motion passed unanimously.
Elected Officials in attendance: County Commissioner Dave Wilson informed the club members that the county budget for this year is looking like the departments are going to come in below budget. The County Commissioners are still talking to the Muskingum County Commissioners about a possible combined Sheriff’s Department.
Mayor Orr let the members know that the city is trying to finish up on the summer projects along with the final touch and move to the new Cambridge City Police Department. Mayor Orr said that the Viaduct is finishing up and should be open within days. Mayor Orr also said that the city is working on the 2019 budget.
President Morris went through the changes of the Republican Club Bi-Laws with the club members in attendance and asked for a motion for approval. The motion was moved by Ed Freeze, seconded by Darrel Fawcett. The motion passed unanimously.
President Morris let the members know that Mr. Lee’s is requesting a$30.00 monthly charge for the use of the meeting room and asked for a motion for approval. The motion was moved by Dave Wilson, seconded by Pam Patterson. The motion passed unanimously
President Morris opened up the discussion on State Issue 1, with all in attendance agreeing that if this issue passes the state of Ohio will have many problem moving forward. Mayor Orr stated that Municipal Court Judge John Mark Nicholson has been attending many civic organizations discussing this issue. Brian Hill and our guest speaker Andrew Brenner also agree with the members.
Vice President Sheila Cochran informed the members that Lieutenant Governor candidate Jon Husted will be visiting Cambridge on October 23, 2018 at 10:00a.m. at the Theo’s Restaurant. Sheila is asking all members RSVP and to attend.
Vice President Sheila Cochran then introduce Andrew Brenner candidate for State Senate. Mr. Brenner gave the club members his back ground. Mr. Brenner is also a supporter of House Bill #102 School Funding Bill. He is wanting the school funding to be distributed equally across the board per student, the range is from $8,000.00 to $25,000.00. Depending on the location of the school district. Mr. Brenner also explained his role in ECOT and how his connection with ECOT is trying to be used against him in his State Senate race.
President Morris gave the benediction and adjourned the meeting.