President Robert Morris opened the meeting and reported that two officers were excused. The invocation was given by Dave Wilson and the pledge was said to the American Flag.
The minutes for the June 16 meeting were read. Colleen Wheatley moved to accept the minutes, and Gil Barczak seconded. The minutes were approved.
In Gayle Heinton’s absence, the president presented her treasurer’ report. We are getting close to meeting the goal for the 2016 scholarships.
Tom Orr, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee, gave his report. He stated that the scholarship we give is a good tool to promote our party. The First Annual Reagan Picnic will be held on Thursday, September 3. Suellen Johnson announced the speaker for the picnic will be Lt. Governor, Mary Taylor. Fundraising letters for the Central Committee were sent out and money was raised. Several candidates will enter the Republican primary race for Governor.
Commissioner Dave Wilson said the Rt. 40 sewer project is nearly complete. A 1.5 mil replacement levy for both senior citizen centers will be on the November ballot. Commissioner Skip Gardner added that a resolution was passed to express gratitude to the 12 voulenteer fire departments in the county by making a donation of $1,000 to each. Tim Evancho, city councilman, noted that four new policemen have been hired. A new police cruiser and the new ladder fire truck were brought to council meeting for people to view. Mayor Tom Orr mentioned not having the Salt Fork Arts and Crafts Festival is a loss to the culture of our community.
President Morris told us the Club’s Christmas Party will be our regular meeting night, December 15, at Mr. Lee’s. He listed the local candidates in November’s election. Running unopposed are Cambridge Mayor Tom Orr and Auditor Suellen Johnson. Both Jeff Leonard and Tom Snyder will have opponents for their city council seats. Incumbent Tim Evancho, Joel Blue and Bryan Conaway are running for Council At Large positions in Cambridge. The fair booth volunteer sign-up list will be available at the August club meeting. August 19 will be the next scholarship committee meeting.
Because of a printer issue, we did not vote in the Ohio Conservative United project at this meeting.
Matt Lynck & Tom Orr

Mayor Tom Orr and Matt Lynch

Our speaker for the evening was Matt Lynch. He had served in the Ohio House and is now running again for U.S. Congressman in the 14 District. He made the point that half the money in Ohio’s budget comes from the federal government. Another point was that Reagan shut down the government 8 times. Matt answered questions from the attendees as he concluded his presentation.
Tuesday, August 18, will be the next meeting, and it will be at Mr. Lee’s Family Restaurant at 7:00pm.
Tom Orr concluded the meeting in prayer.
Submitted By Susan Smith

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