Republican Club Meeting on November 15, 2016

Republican Club Meeting on November 15, 2016
President Robert Morris opened the meeting by asking Vice President Sheila Cochran to give the invocation.  All then stood and said the pledge to the American Flag.
The minutes for the October meeting were read.  A motion by Robert Heinton and seconded by Skip Gardner was made to approve the minutes.  The minutes were accepted.
Treasurer Gayle Heinton gave the financial report.   At the headquarters,  Trump hats, buttons, pins and shirts were for sale.  The profit made will go into the scholarship fund.  Gayle thanked the fellas who helped with this project.
Darrel Fawcett gave the report for Republican Central Committee.  He expressed, WE WON!
Commissioner Skip Gardner quickly added, We are fortunate to be with the Republican Party.  Joel and Sarah Blue were elated when the news was received of Joel’s victory in the race for Guernsey County Prosecutor.
Terri Dankovic, Guernsey County Clerk of Courts, appreciated the support of everyone in her re-election.   Her staff will assist Joel in learning the correct procedures.
Visitors to the meeting introduced themselves.
Our Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday, December 13, at Mr. Lee’s.  The letter of invitation will be sent by Gayle after Thanksgiving.  Bring an unwrapped toy for Secret Santa.
Items from the Republican Headquarters will be removed at 10:30am tomorrow.
Darrel Fawcett said he applied to get tickets to Donald Trump’s inauguration.   A possible bus trip to the inauguration was mentioned.  After discussion, Terri Dankovic will work on the details and then an email can be sent to let folks know.
Bob Heinton prepared a presentation on the Electoral College.  First, he asked us questions to see what we knew.  Bob gave facts about the Electoral College.  Ohio will have 16 electors.
A nominating committee was charged with selecting a slate of officers for 2017.  On the committee is Skip Gardner, Bob Heinton and Ed Freeze.
Robert Morris said the benediction.
In December, the Christmas Party will be held in place of our monthly meeting.
Submitted by,
Susan Smith, Secretary

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