Republican Club Meeting On October 18, 2016

President Robert Morris welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Dave Wilson gave the invocation and then the group said the pledge to the American Flag.  The long minutes for the August 16 meeting were read.  Ed Freeze moved to accept the minutes, and Tom Orr seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.
Gayle Heinton presented the treasurer’s report.  The club has been selling political buttons as we prepare for November’s election.  They have been going fast.  The money earned will be given to the Scholarship fund.
Tom Orr, Guernsey County Republican Party Chairman, thanked everyone for working hard.  People have been staffing the Headquarters.  Tom has had many contacts as we are trying to stay on top of all the happenings.  Joel Blue’s big election is important, and we need to continue to work to elect him.  Several helped including Sandra Miller to fill all the central committee positions.  The enthusiasm of those who worked in the Guernsey County Fair Booth was appreciated.
Commissioner Skip Gardner reminded us how important it is to help Joel Blue as he is running for Guernsey County Prosecutor.  Skip stated the prosecutor’s office works very closely with the commissioners.
Joel Blue gave an update on how his campaign is progressing.  He is thankful for the advice others who have run for office give him.

Robert Morris & Ed Freeze

Robert gave the president’s report.  Many people have come to the headquarters and signs are in short supply.  The front windows of the building have been grazed by a sharp instrument over the weekend.  Robert thanked Gayle Heinton and Darrell Fawcett for all they have been getting done.  A certificate of appreciation was presented to Ed Freeze because of the hours he has volunteered in supporting the club.



Robert Morris, Judge David Gormley, Joel Blue, Judge Craig Baldwin

The president then introduced our guest speaker.  Judge David Gormley is on the Court of Common Pleas in Delaware County and is running as Judge for the 5th District Court of Appeals.  He has trial experience and his opponent has no trial judge experience.  He was the judge who defended Ohio when folks tried to remove In God We Trust as our Ohio State Motto.  He showed the size of the 5th District Court of Appeals on an Ohio map.  He takes part in a program that brings a judge together periodically to talk with inmates currently serving time.

Judge Craig Baldwin spoke to us.  Currently, Judge Baldwin serves on the 5th District Court of Appeals and is campaigning with Judge Gormley.  Both advocate adhering to the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.
Robert Morris gave the benediction.  The next Republican Club meeting will be held on November 15 at Mr. Lee’s Family Restaurant at 7:00pm.

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