September 2018 Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2018

Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes

President Robert Morris called the meeting to order.

County Commissioner Dave Wilson delivered the invocation.

President Morris led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurer Michael Segrest brought the club up to date on the general finances. With the Membership Account Balance at $1,675.59 and the Scholarship Account balance is at $2,277.33, after the T-Shirt sales and the Chinese Auction at the Reagan Day Picnic and the Fair, the balance is $3,952.92, with the treasurer presented them for approval. There was not a quorum of members in attendance to approve treasurers report.

Secretary Sandra Miller made the July 17, 2018 meeting minutes available prior to the meeting by e-mail, on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval. There was not a quorum of members in attendance to approve July 17, 2018 minutes.

Elected Officials in attendance: County Commissioner Dave Wilson informed the club members that the 911 System went live on September 1, 2018. Mr. Wilson said that the jail population is a 66 bed facility with 117 inmates as of September 18, 2018.  The new Cambridge City Police Department Building will not house any inmates and will not help with the overcrowding of the County Sheriff’s Department. The County Commissioners are still talking to the Muskingum County Commissioners about a possible combined Sheriff’s Department. The Power Station is still on target for the first quarter of 2019.

Prosecutor Joel Blue was in attendance and confirmed the conversation about the County Sherriff’s Department 911 System. Mr. Blue stated that the Summer Quarter Top Cop was named being Justin Best.  Mr. Best went over and above the call of duty and was a well-deserved Top Cop honor.

President Morris informed the club members that the Republican Club Officers reviewed and changed the club Bi-Laws and brought the changes to the club meeting in September for approval. There was not a quorum of members in attendance to approve the revised Bi-Laws.

President Morris wanted to give a special thank you to everyone that helped with the Fair Booth this year: Ed Freeze, Darrel Fawcett, Michael Segrest, Melvin and Sandy Miller, Tom Orr, Cody Petit, Sheila Cochran, Angela White, Tom and Libby Bates, and Andrew King.

President Morris informed the Club Members that the Guernsey County Republican Executive Committee has secured the Head Quarters at 1023 Wheeling Ave. Cambridge, Ohio 43725.

Vice President Sheila Cochran then introduce Andrew King candidate for the Fifth District Court of Appeals Judge, Term 2-11-2019. Mr. King gave the club members his back ground and asked for the members to vote for him in the November General Election.

President Morris gave the benediction and adjourned the meeting.

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