To all members of the local and distant Republican Party, web viewers and concerned citizens!

Last month, the officers of this club, with the suggestion and help of a third party, agreed to the campaign strategy of playing the US. DEBT CLOCK, in the window of our Republican Headquarters. We did this to educate the public concerning this important issue.

 In order to implement this strategy, we rented a TV for one month from a local business, used the laptop of a member and played the clock 24 hours a day in our Headquarters window. Unfortunately, early Monday morning, October 22, thieves threw a concrete block through the headquarters window, stole the TV and laptop and left us a “debt of our own”.  Insurance deductibles prevented any coverage for the damages.  The three individuals that thought of this idea, are now obligated for the following items.

We are hoping that some of you will help us bear this burden. If you would like to help us, please send a donation you can afford, to the Guernsey County Republican Club, C/O  Treasurer Gayle Heinton, 61820 Willow Springs Way, Lore City, OH  437255.

 Be sure to write in the memo section/damages to HQ.

$675.00  Contracted purchase price of rented TV stolen, no insurance to cover theft

$254.01  Glass Replacement, for building owner

$150.00  value of used laptop to owner

This request will remain posted for the entire month of November. Any donations that are in excess of these expenses will be deposited into our scholarship fund to be awarded in the Spring of 2013. Thanks for your help and PLEASE VOTE REPUBLICAN!

 Tom Snyder, Vice President ,  Guernsey County Republican Club.

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