March 2019 Meeting Minutes

March 19, 2019

Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes


 President: Robert Morris called the meeting to order.

Susan Smith delivered the invocation.

President Morris led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurer: Report was given by Club President Robert Morris for March 2019 with the Membership Account Balance at $2272.59 and the Scholarship Account balance is at $2,273.33, the balance is $4545.92, Robert Morris stated that the amounts were incorrect and would table approval until the April Meeting after the corrections have been made by Treasurer Michael Segrest.

Public Relations Specialist: Libby Bates was unable to attend meeting and not report was given.

Secretary: Sandra Miller made the January 15, 2019 meeting minutes available prior to the meeting by e-mail, on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval. The motion was moved by Colleen Wheatley, seconded by Gayle Heinton. The motion passed unanimously.

Elected Officials in attendance:

County Commissioner Dave Wilson informed members that the implementation of new software has been installed at the Sheriff’s Office. The Software will help the Deputies in the field.

County Commissioner Ernest Gardner gave an update on the New Power Plant in Valley Township.

County Recorder Colleen Wheatley informed the members that a law office is going to come to the Recorders Office to teach a class on Oil and Gas.

County Prosecutor Joel Blue let members know that his team is working very hard on outreaching for grants to help our county in Elder Abuse, Drug Programs, and a Leadership Program in all of the junior high schools in Guernsey County.

Executive Committee:

Chairman Tom Orr informed members that there will not be a May Primary in 2019 due to no opposition in either party.  The only change in the Republican Candidates for this election cycle is Bryan Conaway will not be running due to moving outside of the city corporation. Donna Hill filed a petition to take Bryan’s place for one of the council at large seats.

President: Robert Morris informed the members that the Scholarship Committee has only received one application as of March 19, 2019 and to please inform anyone that would be eligible. Secretary Miller stated that we will send out an e-mail with the requirements to all Republican that are on the E-Mail List.

President Morris asked Chairmen Orr if he knew if Suellen Johnson has set up a time and place for the Sunshine Law Training for office holders. Chairman Orr did not know if Suellen had taken care of that. Commissioner Wilson spoke up and stated that the County is setting up a Sunshine Law Training for Township Clerks and Trustee’s and stated that it is open to officials. Mr. Wilson will notify members when and where it will be.

Vice President: Sheila Cochran informed the members that 97th. District State Representative Adam Holmes was not going to be able to be in attendance.

The club members had a round table with many questions going to the County Elected Officials in attendance. This time was very educational for all members.

There were several questions on redistricting and illegals as citizens, and we were very fortunate to have Alex Pavloff from the Secretary of State’s Office in attendance and helped field those questions.


Dave Wilson gave the benediction


President Morris adjourned the meeting.

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