November 2019 Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2019
Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes
President: Robert Morris called the meeting to order.
Invocation was delivered by Vice President Sheila Cochran.
President Morris: led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer: Michael Segrest gave the Treasurers Report for November 2019 with the Membership Account Balance at $2357.35 and the Scholarship Account balance is at $1,972.64, the Total Balance is $4329.99, with the treasurer presenting them for approval.
Secretary: Sandra Miller made the August and October minutes available prior to the meeting by e-mail, on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval. The motion was tabled due to there not being a quorum of members.
Elected Officials in attendance:
Commissioner Gardner –T he County Commissioners are working on the County Budget, and reminded the club members that the county has purchased the Higgin’s Shopping Center with the help of the Title Funds from the Clerk of Courts Office. The Title Department and the Prosecutors Office are moving in the Center. The Power Plant is having a lot of activity.
Executive Committee: Vice President Darrel Fawcett stated that there had been a meeting for the Executive/Central Committees but he was not in attendance.
President: Robert Morris let the members know that the Republican Club Christmas Party will be on December 17, 2019 at Mr. Lee’s Restaurant in the banquet room in the back lower level, Social Time beginning at 6:00 p.m., Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. There will be a Chinese Auction and we are asking for help with things to auction off and unwrapped toys for Secret Santa.
President Morris asked for a volunteer for the Scholarship Committee with nobody stepping forward.
President Morris asked for two volunteers for the Nominating Committee for the 2020 Republican Club Officers. Lindsey Donahue-Angler and Keith Plummer volunteered to step up to be the Nominating Committee. Secretary Sandra Miller informed the Nominating Committee that they will need to find a new secretary for 2020.
The republican headquarters will be opened up sometime after September. Still looking for a location per Commissioner Gardner.
Keith Plummer introduced himself and that he will be running for County Prosecutor with John Charlton as his campaign consultant.
Mike Neilson introduced himself and asked the members for their support as he is running for County Commissioner.
Lindsey Donahue-Angler introduced herself and ask the members for support as she is also running for County Prosecutor.
Vice President: Sheila Cochran introduced guest speakers Bob and Marcia Hollins of the Freedom House Shelter/Warming Center.
Marcia and Bob explained to the club members how the warming center came about and what their mission is. God makes homes for the homeless, leads prisoners to freedom Psalms 68.6. Marcia went through some of the rules for the homeless shelter and what the expectations are for the people that come to the shelter.
She also, stated that the community has been very forth coming and that they are blessed for the grants, and volunteer s from the community. There were many questions from the members and Bob and Marcia were very willing to take the time to answer them all.
President Morris gave the benediction
President Morris adjourned the meeting.