August 2019 Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2019
Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes
President: Robert Morris called the meeting to order.
Invocation was delivered by VP Sheila Cochran.
President Morris: led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer: Michael Segrest gave the Treasurers Report for July 2019 with the Membership Account Balance at $2007.59 and the Scholarship Account balance is at $1,552,64, the Total Balance is $3560.23, with the treasurer presented them for approval.
Secretary: Sandra Miller wanted to thank Libby Bates the Public Relations Specialist for taking the minutes for the June meeting while she attended OAEO/Secretary of State Summer Conference and the July meeting minutes while on vacation. Secretary Miller requested a motion to approve the June and July minutes, the motion was made by Robert Heinton and second by Tom Bates. The motion passed unanimously.
Secretary Miller made the August minutes available prior to the meeting by e-mail, on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval. The motion was moved by Tom Bates, seconded by Darrel Fawcett. The motion passed unanimously.
Elected Officials in attendance:
County Recorder Colleen Wheatly informed the club members that her office has slowed down. Colleen also said that she has her petition to run for re-election for County Recorder in the 2020 election cycle.
Municipal Court Judge John Mark Nicholson informed the club members that he has hired Terri Liston, she will be working on Grants and many other duties’. Judge Nicholson spoke about the opioid epidemic in Guernsey County.
Fourth Ward Councilman Jack Marlin let the club members know that he will be on the November 2019 ballot for re-election for the Fourth Ward Council and asked for the support of the members.
Ernest(Skip) Gardner let the club members know that the county has a drug court- C.A.R.E Program that is being run by Common Pleas Judge Daniel Padden. In the program people have a chance to turn their life around. Commissioner Gardner also stated that the County Jail is a 66 bed facility and there is 122 being held at that time. Skip also reminded everyone that the census is coming up and how important to get a good count. Commissioner Gardner also stated that he would be running for re-election in 2020.
Executive Committee: Vice President Darrel Fawcett spoke to the club about needing elected officials and candidates to sign up to work the Republican Fair Booth, to help the club out and not leaving it to be done by a few people. Also, to help their own campaigns.
President: Robert Morris welcome all visitors to the monthly meeting including Robert’s Mother Bonnie Morris and Brother Jerry Morris.
Robert requested help with setting up the Republican fair booth on September 8, 2019 at 1:00pm at the fairgrounds.
Robert reiterated that the Reagan Day Picnic would be on September5, 2019 at the Cambridge City Park in the large pavilion with the social hour starting 5:30p.m. with dinner at 6:30p.m. Robert also, reminded everyone that we would be having the Chinese Auction and we could use items to auction off.
Robert brought before the members, the officers would like to have a discussion on using money from the membership account to purchase 2020 memorabilia to sell at the picnic, fair and headquarters before the 2020 elections. After the discussion Gayle Heinton made the motion to approve $1,000.00 for 2020 memorabilia, second by Jim Schaffer. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President: Sheila Cochran introduced guest speaker Representative Adam Holmes.
Representative Holmes introduced himself again for those that had not met him at the last meeting. He spoke on many several important issues coming before the committee such as the Red Flag Law, Opioid Epidemic, Conceal Carry Law, The 2nd Amendment, and House Bill #6. Rep. Holmes also let the members know that Vanadium is coming to East Zanesville and the Power Plant in Guernsey County will be breaking ground in September.
Secretary Miller will be e-mailing the monthly Newsletter from Rep. Adam Holmes to each of the members that receive the meeting reminders and minutes. If you want added to this list get with Sandy with your e-mail address.
President Morris gave the benediction
President Morris adjourned the meeting.