December 2018 Meeting Minutes
Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes – December 18, 2018
President Robert Morris opened the meeting by welcoming all guest. Jeff Leonard gave the invocation, and then Robert Morris led the pledge to the flag.
This being the club’s annual Christmas Party, a brief recess allowed members to enjoy dinner provided by Mr. Lee’s restaurant. After dinner Lucien Murztn and Don Brown entertained the members by signing Christmas Carols with the members joining in.
The meeting resumed with Joel and Sarah Blue taking the lead on the Chinese Auction for the Republican Club General Fund. The items were distributed to the winning ticket holders.
A motion was made by Suellen Johnson and second by Joel Blue to approve the minutes of the November meeting. Motion Carried.
The Treasurer’s report was available and filed for audit.
The nomination of officers for the 2019 year were presented by Gayle Heinton
President – Robert Morris
Vice President – Sheila Cochran
Secretary – Sandra K. Miller
Treasurer – Michael Segrest
Public Relations – Elizabeth Bates
There were no other nominations from the floor and Don Brown made the motion to close the nominations, with a second by Joel Blue. Motion Carried.
A motion was made by Suellen Johnson with a second by Paul Sherry to approve the 2019 nomination of officers. The motion received a unanimous vote from the membership with the required quorum present.
Robert Morris let everyone know that there were candidates with their petitions there for everyone to sign.
Robert Morris reminded all members to please take the survey that is on the table and to put in the box at the sign in table and to take the time to pay their 2019 dues.
Bryan Hill wanted to let everyone know that he was appointed to the vacant Senate seat of Troy Balderson. Congratulations Bryan!!
Suellen Johnson informed the members that as far as the Executive Committee it is quiet and not a lot going on right now.
The members donated toys to the Secret Santa program.
Robert Morris gave the Benediction
The meeting adjourned.