April 2019 Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2019

Guernsey County Republican Club Monthly Minutes


  President: Robert Morris called the meeting to order.

  Vice President: Sheila Cochran delivered the invocation.

President Morris: led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurer: Michael Segrest gave the Treasurers Report for April 2019 with the Membership Account Balance at $2007.59 and the Scholarship Account balance is at $2,578.33, the Total Balance is $4585.92, with the treasurer presented them for approval.

Public Relations Specialist: President Morris informed the members that Libby Bates had resigned as the Public Relations Specialist due to time restraints.

Secretary: Sandra Miller made the March 19, 2019 meeting minutes available prior to the meeting by e-mail, on the back table and on the club website; she presented them for approval. The motion was moved by Darrel Fawcett, seconded by Tom Bates. The motion passed unanimously.

Elected Officials in attendance:  County Commissioner Ernest Gardner gave information on the Broad Band Network, this is still in the talking stage with hopes that it will happen.

Executive Committee: Chairman Tom Orr reminded members that there will not be a May Primary in 2019 due to no opposition in either party.  Donna Hill has been appointed to the vacancy of Bryan Conaway for the council at large position.

The 97th. District Representative Adam Holmes was in attendance to apologize to the club members for missing the March meeting. Representative Holmes gave the members a little insight to his background and offered his support for anything that we need.

President: Robert Morris informed the members that the Scholarship Committee has received eight applications.  The scholarship will be given to the winning candidate at the June 18th., 2019 regular monthly meeting.

President Morris asked Chairmen Orr if he knew if the Sunshine Law Training had been set up for the office holders. Chairman Orr stated that they are waiting for President of Trustees Bette Duche’ to set it up.

Vice President: Sheila Cochran introduced guest speaker Jim Renacci of the Ohio’s Future Foundation, Mr. Renacci encouraged the members to start watching policies. The first thing that need to be done is to move Ohio up from the 40 out of 50 in growth opportunity. Mr. Renacci also spoke about the Budget, Medicaid Expansion, Health Care, and the Tax System.

President Morris gave the benediction

President Morris adjourned the meeting.

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